January 20, 2016

2015 In Review

Holy Cow! 2015 was packed full of adventures and absolutely stunning clients! I never would have thought I would be traveling to New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, moving to Wyoming and then moving back to Idaho! I decided to pick out just a few images that really stood out to me. Some have a story behind them, while others are just gorgeous images. A huge thanks to my awesome clients who made 2015 the best year yet!
Riley went to High School with my husband so getting to shoot his wedding was such a blast!

My uncle, Byron Ross, passed away unexpectedly in March 2015. While documenting his funeral Wyatt, his oldest son, got in the truck that he and his dad worked on when Isky hoped in his lap and Wyatt just held him. We miss you Byron.

My husband and I traveled to Seattle, Washington in April with our friend Andrew and his, now wife, Jalynn. I loved walking and purely documenting without posing.

Zach Meng asked me to take his Senior photos in April and this one still sticks out to me.

My sister, Jodi Jenkins, has always been my model on call. So when she came down to visit in April I was able to test out a new lens on her! 

Kimber is graduating from Burns High, my High School! It was nice talking about the teachers that taught both of us. Oh, and getting such stunning images including this one! 

The Gaddy Wedding was beautiful and so warm. But when the guest threw sprinkles... Oh my goodness! 

Sarah and Geoff are some of our greatest friends. Sarah is also a photographer so it's nice being able to talk to someone about business and photography. 

I'm definitely not a "family" photographer. But the emotions in this image make me so excited to have children one day. 

This. This is exactly why I love "Love"! 

Eden is my little cousin who is a complete natural in front of the camera. It might be since her mother is also a fabulous photographer who actually mentored me! Thanks Darcy! 

Ah. Jodi being my model again. I had a really difficult time posting only one from her session. They are all so unique! But the wind in this trumped all.

When I shot this image, I knew it was going to be gorgeous. But the end product makes me want to post it everywhere because I love it so much! 

This sister love between Ariel and Zoe is too sweet not to share.

Again, thank you to all my clients for making 2015 one for the books. I can't wait to capture you in 2016. Cheers! :)